Los recursos recomendados
Estos son algunos de los recursos que he utilizado o recomiendo en el desarrollo de mis actividades de consultoría, capacitación y desarrollo tecnológico:
Curso básico de Python de las bases hasta DJango
Instroducción a la Programación
Curso Intermedio de Programación en Java
Machine Learning
Bases de Datos
Disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you I will earn a small commission if you decide to make a purchase. I recommend you only purchase these products if you believe they will help you achieve your specific goals.
many option here cant wait, can i share it?
Sure, Go Ahead
Yes, sure
thanks for your reccomendation:)
thanks for you reccommendation
what is the benefit of that?
You can get some resources to learn more a bout machine learning and data science